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Need a Wordsmith to create and optimize your content?

I make words convey exactly what you want them to so you can forget about syntax and focus on what you do best.

Home: Welcome

Hi! I'm Flo, a writer, travel blogger, and language educator.


I specialize in writing SEO content to bring organic traffic to your site and help inquiring customers discover your answer to their questions. My aim is a tone that appeals to readers on a human level while leaving plenty of goodies out for Google's crawlers. 

My strengths lie in creativity, enthusiasm, precision, and organization. I draw from experiences as a world traveler and my deeply rooted passions for language, culture, and niches such as healthy living and martial arts, to fuel my writing.

Weaknesses: my never-ending curiosity and a tendency toward excessive multitasking must be routinely restrained. (My personal travel blog, Trips with Flo, is a showcase of such wandering interests.) 

I look forward to using my diverse blend of skills to bring your website, business, or project a burst of fresh (or freshly polished) content!

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Home: Bio

Road Map

A quick guide to what can be found here:

My Story

My mission, values, background, and more.

My Work

A snapshot of recent client articles and blog posts.

How I Can Help You

My specializations as a writer and language educator.

Home: Services

Before & After Editing Samples

Home: Work
Piles of Books


Hi [name],

Hope all is well. I’m working on a new, cool project GCM Hub - a hub for game community management and player experience managers across the world.

There are quite a few sites for marketers, game designers, business managers, and developers to refer to, but little available for community team members. We’re already filling that gap by releasing practical, actionable articles and a podcast featuring leaders of game community management working on top games. 

We’ve already released episodes with Nico Nottin from Flare Games and Jaymee Mak from Hempire. 

Given your experience, we want you on the show. You’ve worked both some pretty hardcore and branded games and it would be great to have you share your expert insights with our listeners. 

The podcast episodes are 20-30 min long and are recorded over Skype (audio only). I provide a list of questions in advance so that the guests can prepare and be at their best during the show. 

Do you accept my invite to the show? If so, what date and time works best for you? I can send you the questions over after you confirm your interest.

I look forward to getting your story out!




What to Expect from A First Boxing Class

February 28, 2019


An SEO-optimized post offering beginners to the sport of boxing in the Philippines a well-rounded picture of what to expect from their first classes. 


Wondering what to expect from a boxing class in Manila? I'm going back to the basics to give a full rundown of my experience.


10 Types of Sparring Partners

January 19, 2019


Written for luxury boxing apparel brand Fortis Fight to boost traffic to their website and online store. Inspired by training experiences in Australia and the Philippines.



Why people show up at the gym to spend their lunch break getting hit in the head instead of enjoying a deli sandwich is anyone’s guess. At the end of the day, everyone has their own reasons. Some are there to toughen up, others to beef up; some to learn and others to teach; some to socialize, others with their eyes on competing.


Once you get into training on a regular basis, you start becoming acquainted with the types who show up for sparring sessions. Each one helps you improve your game in some way and, for that, it’s definitely worth showing them some appreciation.


As much as I love boxing and martial arts, it's not the only thing I write about.

I also cover:


  • travel

  • health & lifestyle

  • business & finance

  • language learning

  • online teaching

  • freelancing

  • reviews

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Trips with Flo

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"It's safer to be risky."

Home: Quote

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