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Mission and Values


  • To share knowledge in ways my audience will find approachable and easy to understand. 

  • To help clients bring their solutions to the attention of those who are looking for and can benefit from them. 

  • To continuously build my knowledge and skills and seek a higher level of excellence. 


My writing must

  • be honest. 

  • uplift my audience.

  • encourage readers to form their own opinions.  

  • meet the standards set by my client. 

I will not accept work that

  • I cannot complete with confidence. 

  • requires me to mislead my audience in any way. 

  • discourages readers from thinking for themselves. 

About Me: Bio

My Story

Where I Come From

This is one of those impossible questions to answer. ​

I was born in Belgium, though my parents are Dutch/Swiss and Mexican/Native American, respectively. I spent the early years of my life in Western Europe and my formative years in Africa. ​

After returning to the Netherlands and completing my studies, I flew out of the nest and landed in Asia. For most of the past decade, I’ve been based in the Philippines but have also been spending time in Australia and Taiwan.


What I Do

I write. I volunteer. I teach English. I do the mom things. I make travel plans. I dream up and start projects (and try to finish old ones).

Why I Travel

The easy answer is because it’s in my blood. By the time I was a teenager, I had lived in six countries. ​

But there’s much more to it than that. I’m absolutely fascinated by this globe on which we live. As a child, I learned the names of countries and capitals around the world and read books about the ones I dreamed of visiting.

And there are still so many places out there; so many different kinds of people and ways to experience life.

Why I Write

Another thing I’ve loved from a young age is writing. First, the easy answer: it comes naturally. I’m a bit of an introvert (and a perfectionist) and I often find that I can express myself better on paper.

But again, there’s more to it. I write because it gives me satisfaction; I’d almost say it’s therapeutic. Because I love sharing my experiences and learning new things. The same reasons I have for teaching.

Other Things About Me

I am fascinated by language and how it’s intertwined with our psychology.

I enjoy physical challenges such as mixed martial arts and surfing. ​

I’ll choose two wheels over four nine times out of ten.​

I love music but it’s not a talent. Still, I enjoy playing the guitar and drums when I have the chance.

Last but not least, I'm constantly on the lookout for opportunities to learn.

I'd love to hear about your business and see how we can help each other.

About Me: Bio
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